Thursday, August 22, 2013

first assignment YAY

My high school writing process, well.... i honestly hate to look back at it because i consider myself a horrible writer. And of course every time i mention that to my teachers they are always like no! no! you're a great writer, everyone is! But lets be honest here.. They say my main problem is probably my vocabulary, you could probably rank it on the middle school level. It's not that i don't know big words, it's just that i never think about using them!
But the process of a paper all starts when the teacher says something along the lines of, "okay so who's excited to write an essay!" and as soon as i hear that my face instantly changes. It looks like i've just been shot, but I won't be a dramatic 18 year old girl and say thats when the world ends. However, when they say that it's going to be more than 3 pages..., thats when the world actually ends. But of course sooner or later all the emotions go away because i realize that I'm going to have to do the assignment whether i like it or not. It's usually when they're going over the paper requirements when i zone out and start brainstorming and thinking how the heck am i going to write this paper.
As you can probably tell already, the hardest part of writing a paper for me is the whole thing. However, if i did have to think of one thing thats the easiest, it would probably be the first sentence. I would say I'm kind of good coming up with witty, attention-grabbing sentences to get the reader drawn in.
But back to the process of my paper that i still probably haven't started yet, it usually takes me a day or two to put a pen to paper. I like writing my drafts on paper, usually because if i start on a computer I'll stare at an empty word document and end up going on twitter. I usually just do one rough draft and just have a whole page of completely different colored marks everywhere with arrows in every direction because at the end it looks like a masterpiece and i think its cool. Then after i have somehow managed to complete and finish my essay i type it up and turn it in and thats pretty much it!

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