Tuesday, October 29, 2013


In this article, the author talks about how once a simple thing to do is now so difficult. The author used to love sitting down and reading long lengthy books and articles however now he finds himself trying to distract himself with almost anything. He goes on to blame the internet for changing him and his thought process and how he can no longer focus. With all the information we could ever need and think of at the tip of our fingertips, getting too focused on the information we're reading an article on never seems to happen anymore. With the many articles and sites telling us the answer to our question, we no longer have to think so hard, causing our thought process and work ethic to decrease in skill.
Literacy in this article means similar to the previous definition just print instead of speech. It means the deep thought processing when it comes to text or printed articles and how we need to more deeply analyze into things instead of skimming over them.
The internet has changed the thought and reading process of many people. People take half the time they do nowadays to read an article. The internet is broadening what people read rather than making people think deeper into what they read. The author uses older changes in technology to demonstrate what people thought about changes similar to this and how they actually turned out such as the transition to mechanical clocks. In the end, the author is cautioning us to be skeptical of the internet and its ever growing reach, but not to totally cancel it out, for improving technology can be good int the long run.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Miley Ray Cyrus

I am choosing to do my paper on Miley Cyrus's feed on twitter and instagram. Although she's not one of my role models or favorite celebrities, she sure does have a lot of stuff to say. Interesting at that too. Her twitter is not at all censored and she post literally whatever she wants. There is no one stopping her, thus giving great insight onto what she really thinks and is interested in. She is completely out of her shell on social media and I think this could provide a lot of great information for my paper. She gives a great deal of examples with her explicit tweets and pictures that I could use to ask the question, did social media turn her this way? Or has she always been like this and social media has been hiding her until now? I think there's a lot to go into investigation here and i cannot wait to go in depth in her social media accounts.

I wish I had a real tattoo

When I stalk myself on Facebook...well majority of my tagged pictures include me out at a party or concert with my friends. I would probably say that I go to a lot of concerts and night time events, but it's not over the top and it's not like I make it my first priority. My pictures on Facebook probably make me seem like a party girl who is going out every night when in reality I don't. But I will say I do go to my fair share of concerts and music festivals. The same image of me would probably be portrayed through my Instagram also. Not saying that these photos are inappropriate, but it does represent that yes, i do have a social life. However a different image would probably be portrayed on my twitter account. I would probably come off as sarcastic funny person that's constantly joking about the things that's wrong with the world today. Although i do feel pressured to censor myself on twitter because I'm a very outspoken person and I don't want my followers to get upset or offended.
I think if i was sat down on my dream job and handed my most recent activity, the only thing i would be worried about would be twitter. I would consider the others to be fairly safe because i have family on them and am conscious about what i post. Twitter is my go-to. Which is why it's private. However soon I'm going to have to start censoring 24/7 and being careful since I'm going through spring rush next year.